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Head Course Marshall Gary Hoover, man of many faces, including Elvis

Gary Hoover Gary HooverGary HooverGary Hooverlip-curl

Gary Hoover, a member of the local Southeastern Trials Riders Association (STRA), is the Head Course Marshall for the event, recruiting and supervising the observers. Gary’s lip curl is evidently helpful in crowd control situations, just like that other boy from Tennessee.

4 comments to Head Course Marshall Gary Hoover, man of many faces, including Elvis

  • steve fracy


    If you get a chance please say – Hi from his old buddy from Canada….Frace! He will know! Hope to see him in July!

  • Griff Wigley

    I will, Frace!

    (I fixed your comment, too.)

  • john isherwood

    Good job on reporting and keeping it interesting Griff.
    I like the fact you included all aspects of the event, from posting road signs to riding the sections.

  • Griff Wigley

    Thanks, Ishy! Glad you liked it.

    I’ve got more to post but we’re still struggling with poor upload capacity here, so it may be Wed. before I any more video clips show up.

    Alas, Frace, I did see Hoover briefly a couple times yesterday but totally forgot to give him your message. I have a good memory but it’s short. 😉