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My favorite rider photos

I didn’t take many action shots today but of those I did, here are my favorite four:

Takahisa Fuginami Dougie Lampkin Dougie Lampkin Marc Freixa

Left: Takahisa Fuginami
Center two: Dougie Lampkin
Right: Marc Freixa

6 comments to My favorite rider photos

  • steve fracy

    Hey Griff:

    Thanks for all the updates and pictures we all appreciate it! Just looking at the Youth scores and wondering what happened to Colton Haaker, didnt see his name in the final results!

  • Griff Wigley

    Thanks, Steve… I appreciate your appreciation!

    I don’t know the story on Colton. He did finish the first loop, but I don’t know why he DNF’d. I’ll try to find out in the morning for you.

  • steve fracy

    Thanks for that Griff:

    My son and I were having a special watch on Colton because my son thought it was cool because the bike he is riding is the same one my son will ride at the youth Nationals in July!! Then when we saw him DNF we wondered what happened to him. You are doing a great job and making it just like being there for those of us who cannott attend!

  • Griff Wigley

    Steve, I asked Catherine Bedley this morning if she knew what happened to Colton. She said he had a tire problem on Saturday and was disqualified for being late.

    On Sunday, she heard that he had a carb or gas line problem and saw he and his minder pushing the bike back to the pits… but didn’t know the whole story.

  • Craig

    More tire problems on Sunday too for Colton. He popped his bead. If anyone’s ever ridden on a flat tire that’s popped it bead, you know what the ride is like.

    Poor kid had hard luck all weekend, but kept smiling. And his minder is a great kid too. He helped Colton at the EnduroCross.

    Griff, you did a absolutely magnificent job on this website. A world class job for a world class event.

  • Griff Wigley

    Thanks for the details on Colton, Craig… and for the complement, too.

    I think I have one more Smage-related blog entry to post, so stay tuned!