Alex Bedley and Charlie Roberts, Team TTC

Alex Bedley Alex BedleyCharlie Roberts and Alex Bedley Charlie Roberts and Alex Bedley

2007 U.S. High School Trials Champion Alex Bedley rode the Youth class this weekend, assisted by his able minder, Charlie Roberts. Both Alex and Charlie work here at the Trials Training Center (TTC). 

FIM Jury meeting

FIM Jury meetingThe Fédération Internationale de Motocyclisme (FIM, International Motorcycling Federation) is the governing body of motorcycle competition.

After every Trials World Championship event, a team of FIM officials (the jury) meets with the local organizers to discuss all aspects of the event and give feedback.

The photo is from today’s meeting. Click to enlarge.

Update 4/28: L to R in the photo: Danilo Galeazzi, Francois St. Laurent (interpreter), Jean-Marc Crumiere, Wiltz Wagner, Beland Wagner, Steve Ahlers, Brian Behling, ??, Jordi Pratt, Miguel Cerrera, Dan Brown, Chuck Weir

Winner of the 2008 Wagner Cup: Takahisa Fujinami

I blogged about the origins of the Wagner Cup yesterday but failed to mention that the winner is determined by the lowest score over the combined two days of competition.

Takahisa Fujinami and The Wagner Cup Takahisa Fujinami and The Wagner CupThe Wagner Cup
NATC head honcho Brian Behling presents Takahisa ‘Fujigas’ Fujinami with the 2008 Wagner Cup. He edged his Repsol Montesa HRC teammate Toni Bou by two points, 47 to 49.

Sunday podium: 1st place to Toni Bou (Champ), Loris Gubian (Junior), Jack Challoner (Youth)

Championship podium  Championship podium Junior podiumYouth podium

Championship Class
1. Toni Bou – 33
2. Takahisa Fujinami – 38
3. Adam Raga – 54

Junior Class
1. Loris Gubian – 56
2. Alexz Wigg – 59
3. Sam Haslam – 67

Youth Class
1. Jack Challoner – 19
2. Adrian Pastoriza – 24
3. Patrick Smage – 26

Day 2 complete results at Trials Central.

10 PM update: The FIM has complete results for both days posted, too.

Photo Album: Fujinami, Cabestany, Bou in Section 12, Loop 2

I parked myself at Section 12 at the end of the day and got a few good shots of Fujigas, Albert Cabestany, and Toni Bou. See the album of 10 photos or this slideshow.

Photo album: Sunday observers

Teams of observers (4-5 on a team) again checked each of today’s 15 sections. Some teams were the same as yesterday but many were new. I got around to sections 9-13.  See the album of 25 photos or this slideshow:

Day 2 results posted at Trials Central

Andy Greig trialscentral-logo

Once again, Andy Greig at Trials Central has the Day 2 results for all classes posted.

Head Course Marshall Gary Hoover, man of many faces, including Elvis

Gary Hoover Gary HooverGary HooverGary Hooverlip-curl

Gary Hoover, a member of the local Southeastern Trials Riders Association (STRA), is the Head Course Marshall for the event, recruiting and supervising the observers. Gary’s lip curl is evidently helpful in crowd control situations, just like that other boy from Tennessee.

Spectator viewing

The rocky stream beds with high hillsides provide natural, amphitheater-type seating areas for spectators.

Spectator viewing Spectator viewing Spectator viewing

Views of Sections 14 and 15 behind the cabins.

Media coverage of the media coverage

There are a dozen or men and women from the press here covering the event.

mediaIMG_3610 Media Media

FIM rules allow the press to be in the enclosure area in the sections, the space between the white section tape and the yellow outer tape marking the crowd boundary. We’re given orange bibs so the riders don’t mistake us for dumb rocks.

Fan catches foul ball Spectator catches flying clutch lever

IMG_3534 In Loop 1, Section 2 yesterday, one of the Junior class riders slipped off the angled ledge at the start and his bike smashed to the rocks below.

As the left handlebar hit the ground, it snapped the clutch lever and sent it spinning 20 feet or more into the air with a loud ‘ping.’ 

This spectator yelled out "I got it" and made a one-handed catch, earning a loud roar of approval from the assembled crowd. (Apologies for the fuzzy photo… I had to zoom way in.)

Media coverage: Chattanooga Times Free Press

Chattanooga Times Free Press
Saturday’s edition of the Chattanooga Times Free Press featured the Wagner Cup on the front page in a story titled, Stunt bike competition roars off today.

Mr. Trials Central, Andy Greig

 Andy Greig Andy Greig Andy Greig

The most active web site for motorcycle trials on the planet is Trials Central in the U.K. The man who makes it all happen: Andy Greig.

U.S. Trials des Nations team

IMG_3741I caught these members of the U.S. Men’s and Women’s 2007 Trials des Nations team hanging out after the event yesterday.

L to R: Pat Smage, Cody Webb, Louise Forsley, and Sara Duke.

Video: Day 1, Loop 1, Section 4: Cabestany, Raga, Bou, Fujinami

The big ledge out of the creek in Section four took a huge number of points from the Championship class riders yesterday. Here’s a 4-minute video clip of loop 1 rides by Cabestany (2 points), Raga (5), Bou (1), and Fujinami (1). Fuji nearly runs over his minder on the ledge… and nearly loses it on the big rock at the exit.


8 am update: I’ve got a glitch with this video clip. Will fix ASAP!

10:15 am update: I’ve fixed the video but now we’ve got a slow internet connection and I can’t get it uploaded. Will fix when I get back mid-afternoon. Apologies!

2:35 pm update: The upload finally went through and the video should now be viewable. Thanks for your patience!

Reordered blog posts

I’ve changed the timestamp on a few of the blog entries that I posted last night so that they more closely approximate the order that the events occurred.

The Wagner Cup’s namesake: Wiltz Wagner

Wiltz Wagner

The Wagner Cup has been part of all world championship trials events held in North America since 1975. The cup is named for Wiltz Wagner, a founding member of the North American Trials Council (NATC). Wiltz is widely considered to be “the father of American motorcycle trials.” He was inducted into the NATC Hall of Fame in 2005 (comprehensive background). See more about Wiltz on the Rocky Mountain Trials Association history page.

That’s Wiltz in the photo, second from left in the blue shirt, out on the loop today with Martin Belair (red shirt), Roger Ansell (right), and Roger’s wife (left).

The Wagner Cup, which features four bighorn sheep, is kept permanently at the American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) headquarters in Ohio. The name of every North American world-round winner since 1975 is engraved on the cup.

Wiltz’s was also a physician and professor. He was the Vergil K. Stoelting Professor of Anesthesia at Indiana University from 1995-2005.


My favorite rider photos

I didn’t take many action shots today but of those I did, here are my favorite four:

Takahisa Fuginami Dougie Lampkin Dougie Lampkin Marc Freixa

Left: Takahisa Fuginami
Center two: Dougie Lampkin
Right: Marc Freixa

Photo album: Day 1 podium

Here are a couple dozen photos from today’s podium ceremony. Included are photos I used in the previous blog posts on the winners. See the album or this slideshow:

Takahisa Fujinami, Japan, 1st Place, World

Results for Day 1 in the Championship class:

1. Takahisa Fujinami – 12
2. Toni Bou – 16
3. Albert Cabestany – 28

Champ class podiumTakahisa Fujinami Champ class podium Takahisa Fujinami

The rest of the Championship results:

4. Adam Raga – 30
5. Marc Freixa – 37
6. Jeroni Fajardo – 38
7. Dougie Lampkin – 45
8. James Dabill – 73
9. Daniel Oliveras – 95
10. Michael Brown – 111