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The Wild Bill Smage fan club

Pat Smage Bill Smage

I saw Bill Smage taking a photo of a group of kids standing around Pat Smage after Pat’s 3rd place finish yesterday — at exactly the same time that I was taking the same shot. So I took a photo of Bill with his ever-present camera.

Bill takes more motorcycle trials photos than I do, and that’s not easy. Keep it up, Bill!

2 comments to The Wild Bill Smage fan club

  • Bill Smage

    Thanks Griff! I love trials, the riders and fans. As for the “groupies” from left to right… my daughter Erin, Pat’s brother Phil (major video and productions of himself and Pat) Pat’s oldest brothers backside, Pat’s cousin “MAX” and one of their pitbike and trials friend Timmy G. So long as my feet don’t fail me I’ll be in the hills, creeks and up on a rock getting the best shots I can. “Wild Bill” Smage

  • Griff Wigley

    You’re welcome, Bill. Thanks for supplying the names.

    FYI, I’ve added the word ‘wild’ to the blog post title.