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World Competition Work Day!

Hey Everybody,

We wanted to let you all know that we have scheduled another World Competition Work Day, followed by Round 4 of our Winter Series!

Saturday February 16th, please come out and help us prep sections and clear trail for our upcoming World Competition.   We will get started around 9am Central Time and work through the day (stopping at some point for lunch of course!).   Don’t worry if you can’t quite make it at 9, just show up when you can and we will leave a note on the door letting you know where we will be!

Then, stay over Sunday February 17th and ride Round 4 of Chattanooga Trials Clubs Winter Series.   This event is a lot of fun and just good practice.  The competitor fee is only $20,   So knock those winter webs off your bike and come out to play!

Hope to see you all out there!


2 comments to World Competition Work Day!

  • Carey Roberts

    Hi Everyone,

    In case you don’t know, Charlie’s Birthday is Saturday the 16th. If you’ve met him you know how much he HATES being put in the spot light. So…Let’s all be sure to tell him Happy Birthday, and embarrass the stew out of him! I’m sure he’ll LOVE it!



  • Ashley Jackson

    I am definitely getting a cake…I will find out what kind is his favorite! Maybe we can do lunch at the Mexican Restaurant and make them sing? That would be awesome!