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Bernie Schreiber is coming to the World Championship

 Bernie Scrheiber Bernie Scrheiber 1979 Bernie Scrheiber 1987 Motoverte - Bernie Scrheiber

We are pleased about this:

Dear All,

It’s a pleasure to announce my attendance at the upcoming Wagner Cup Trial in TN.

Thank you so much for inviting me to come and organizing accommodations. It is heart-warming to know that you all still honor my results, although we have not seen each other for such a long time or never had the chance to meet. I value those Trials moments we have shared and I look forward to a memorable weekend together.

With best regards,

Bernie Schreiber

See Bernie’s AMA Motorcycle Hall of Fame page and his NATC Hall of Fame page.

4 comments to Bernie Schreiber is coming to the World Championship

  • Tony Martorelli

    Not sure if this is going to Bernie Schreiber or to the Trials Training
    Center. It will be great to meet Bernie in person. He is a pioneer in the sport we all enjoy so much. I am wondering if he will be bringing any
    photos or posters to sign for the fans ? Since I found out he is going to
    be at the event I have been looking on ebay for a poster of Bernie he can sign but am having no luck. Any suggestions ? It will be a great addition to
    my trials memorabilia. Coming from California for the event, getting to meet
    Bernie will be the icing on the cake for a memorable weekend !
    Thanks Tony

  • Ashley Jackson

    Hello Tony,
    Your message came to the Trials Training Center.
    Bernie will be here signing posters and other memorabilia, and will also have some posters available on site as well.
    Glad you are so excited for his arrival!
    See you soon,
    TTC Staff

  • Tony Martorelli

    Since you guys will have posters ect. that will make it much easier for the fans. Thanks for the update. Looks like it should be great weather for the event ! See you there, Thanks Tony

  • It’s really terrific to read the accolades of such an extraordinary event. I am even more regretful that I was not able to make it.
    Bill Kniegge
    RMTA (Colorado)Steering Committee