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May issue of AMA’s American Motorcyclist features US Pros Karl Davis and Bryan Roper who are competing in the Wagner Cup this weekend

AMA_May2013_cover_300 AMA_May2013-trials-article

The May 2013 issue of the AMA’s American Motorcyclist magazine features US Mototrials Pros Karl Davis and Bryan Roper. (The full 3-page article is posted to the NATC’s Mototrials.com website here.)

Karl and Bryan will be competing in the Junior Class, along with another US pro, Logan Bolopue. US #1 Champ Patrick Smage will be competing in the Pro Class. US #2 Cody Webb will compete in the International Class.

See all the confirmed competitors here.

2 comments to May issue of AMA’s American Motorcyclist features US Pros Karl Davis and Bryan Roper who are competing in the Wagner Cup this weekend

  • Rich Delaney

    Hi Guys,
    What is the Open International Class that Cody is in and how does it compare to the Pro Class? Is the riding line different?

  • Rich Delaney

    Thanks for the timely response….