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Bou and Fujinami in Section 9, Loop 1 on Sunday: You make the call!

Section captain (left photo) from Indiana, Bill ??,  had a couple of tough calls to make on World Champions Toni Bou and Takahisa Fujinami on Sunday at “House Rock.” (Bou and Fuji were the only riders to even attempt this section the first loop.)

Bill from IndianaBou markerfuji-rock-sshot

  • Bou had taken one point till he was given a five for his rear wheel going outside the marker near the exit (center screenshot). Watch the video carefully at the 1:20 mark.
  • Fujinami ran out of time. Did he five it anyway before time ran out? Watch the video carefully at the 2:25 mark. And watch how Fuji gets over the large, angled pointy rock (right screenshot) prior to the final obstacle at the 2:15 mark.

Attach a comment with your opinion.

Click play to watch.  3 minutes.

More video clips coming

I head back to Minnesota in the morning (to the winter that never quits). I’ll have access to a faster internet connection and should have a few more video clips loaded by Wednesday.

Here’s a screenshot of one that I’m really eager to post. I bet you can guess what it’s about:


Video: Day 1, Loop 1, Section 4: Cabestany, Raga, Bou, Fujinami

The big ledge out of the creek in Section four took a huge number of points from the Championship class riders yesterday. Here’s a 4-minute video clip of loop 1 rides by Cabestany (2 points), Raga (5), Bou (1), and Fujinami (1). Fuji nearly runs over his minder on the ledge… and nearly loses it on the big rock at the exit.


8 am update: I’ve got a glitch with this video clip. Will fix ASAP!

10:15 am update: I’ve fixed the video but now we’ve got a slow internet connection and I can’t get it uploaded. Will fix when I get back mid-afternoon. Apologies!

2:35 pm update: The upload finally went through and the video should now be viewable. Thanks for your patience!

Practice session video

Here’s a 32-minute video clip of yesterday afternoon’s practice session. Apologies for the rough editing and small size.

  • The first 15 minutes or so take place in the main TTC practice area with the large logs and rocks. It primarily features Toni Bou, though several other riders can be seen.
  • The second 15 minutes take place in the hillside practice area behind the cabins. It primarily features Adam Raga, with clips of Takahisa Fujinami, Marc Freixa, Albert Cabestany, and at the end, Patrick Smage.