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Bernie Schreiber’s appearance at the World Round

King Bernie is back in town 2013 News Media Fédération Internationale de Motocyclisme
Longtime mototrials competitor, importer and enthusiast Martin Belair posted this to the Trials Central forum and we got his permission to post it here:

I just want to say how great it was to have 1979 World Champ Bernie Schreiber visit the USGP this past weekend at the TTC. The response from the public was amazing. People lined up for 2 hours to get an autograph and to meet the man. Bernie was very gracious and took time to speak with everyone.

Throughout the weekend Bernie could not walk far without meeting a fan. People brought their scrapbooks and photo albums to show Bernie and to get them signed. I am sure that everyone that met Bernie this weekend now has a story to tell.

Bernie wanted his visit to benefit the US TdN team so all proceeds from the book signing, t-shirt and poster sales went to support Team USA. The generosity of the people was amazing. I can say that it was the biggest weekend fund raiser in US TdN history.

I also want to thank everyone that helped arrange a proper welcome and made Bernie’s visit a success. Dan Brown and his amazing TTC staff, Brad Baumert, Pete Croft, Vonda Roper, Jim Watson and everyone that worked the TdN booth.

Below is a link to a great story by Jake Miller on the FIM-Live website:

King Bernie is back in town

Dan, Brad, Martin and Ignacio–schmoozing at the 2013 US MotoGP

Brad Baumert, Dan Brown, Martin Belair Brad Baumert, Dan Brown, Ignacio Verneda, Martin Belair
The TTC’s Dan Brown attended a World Trial Championship meeting in Austin, Texas last month, site of the 2013 US Moto GP.  Among the good ol’ boys he hung out with:  NATC president and Sherco USA‘s Brad Baumert, US FIM representative Martin Belair, and FIM’s Ignacio Verneda.