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By Ashley Jackson, on June 5th, 2013 
Below are some recent comments we’ve received on our hosting of the USGP Trials World Championship/Wagner Cup. If you have feedback (compliments or criticism), contact us:
We had a good time and all you staff were very nice . It was a long trip from Iowa but worth it to see the World class riders . Thanks for putting on this event . – Wade Clark
Hi Ashley, Just to let you know, 6 of us came down from Mont-Tremblant in Québec to come to your event, we just had a great time. Thanks for all. – Pierre Brisson
Dear Ashley, I hope that the necessary arrangement after this fantastic event was not too difficult! You can be proud of the work which you made. I confirm you the satisfaction of the FIM Staff to have collaborated with the TTC Staff ! Looking forward to see you again soon, greetings. – Thierry Michaud, France
Ashley, we made it back to Canada today. Safe and sound, but a little tired. Thanks again for making our trip a huge success. We both had a great time, just loved Tennessee, and enjoyed meeting you all. – Ian and Wah Buttar
Hi Ashley, thanks so much to you, and everyone involved at the TTC for such wonderful hospitality, and an amazing event! – Stuart Preston
Hi just like to say thank you for the super weekend , thank you for the meal at the restaurant. I am back home after a total of 7400 KM. If you ever come in Canada in the east coast for vacation the door is open for you and your family. – Stephane Vallee
I came down with my two teenage daughters and had a wonderful time. My two daughters had a great time too, and you know how hard it is to impress teenage girls with the outdoors. I race outdoor MotoCross, and various other off road races, and have even been to an indoor trial, but was thoroughly impressed with the riders skills and conditioning, as well as with the facilities you had to offer. Thank you for putting on this event. We had an all around wonderful experience! – Eric Caldwell
Thanks to everyone at TTC for hosting the World Round again. Have been to every one and will continue to come watch the most amazing riders in the world. I sure hope the FIM eliminates the “no stop” rule as we came into it with an open mind and left wanting the rule abolished. Still a great event none the less and you guys did a great job hosting! – Tom Bledsoe
Hi Cat, Memorial Day weekend I really enjoyed the opportunity to work the World Trials Event. Also, the Dirt Rider magazine had an article that noted the Tennessee Knockout is one of the world’s toughest events. Very cool, and congratulations on that. I am looking forward to the event in August. – Reggie Wrinkle
As always, great job on the world round. This was the 3rd at TTC for my wife and I but we brought our daughter and 7 year old grandson. We all had a great time! Over the many years I have helped worked multiple Nationals in various jobs and know it is a lot of work. Thanks to all who helped in all areas. You did a GREAT job. Much appreciated! – Jay Decker
Ashley, What a weekend! I arrived Friday morning… and didn’t slow down until I got home (St Louis) Sunday night. This was the first opportunity I’ve had to spectate a world trails event. Let me say how much I enjoyed it. The team at the Trials Training Center knows how to put on an event. The layout for the sections was very good. Very easy for me to get to all the sections. All the sections were world class for challenge. Very fun to watch the riders. I hope you can host this event again soon. Anyway… just wanted to let you know. Job Well Done! Cheers! – Jeff Mueller
Dear Ashley, Belen and I really enjoyed meeting you at the trial. We have had many good weekends together. On our way home we decided that weekend was as much fun as we can remember. We were particularly impressed by the blue shirts. They were everywhere. We did not meet a single shirt who was not accommodating, polite, and helpful. Please pass along how special we thought they were. And you and your focused group of leaders were amazing. Never tired, obviously having fun, extraordinarily efficient, and all this while moving at the speed of light. We hope you will convey how deeply impressed we were. Please resign and come immediately to Mobile to run this medical school. The improvement would be amazing. Belen wants to send a special thanks to Darrell Davis. She really enjoyed their work together. Warm regards, – Wiltz Wagner
Hi Ashley, My son and I had a great trip over to Tenn. and attended the event on that Saturday. Y’all did an awesome job and we really enjoyed it. I asked about meeting you when we were at the green shed and was told “good luck, she’s really busy.” HaHa and looking around at everything going on we could see that was surely true… Good luck w/ the TKO, I’d really like to make it over but not sure we can just yet. – Chuck Dinsmore
By admin, on May 30th, 2013 We didn’t have time over the weekend to take photos ourselves so as we become aware of the photos by others, we’ll link to them here. Thus far:
Shan Moore’s album of 39 photos on Trials and Enduro News
Vonda Roper’s album of 80 photos on Facebook
Laura Peters’ album of 21 photos on Facebook
By admin, on May 30th, 2013 Longtime mototrials competitor, importer and enthusiast Martin Belair posted this to the Trials Central forum and we got his permission to post it here:
I just want to say how great it was to have 1979 World Champ Bernie Schreiber visit the USGP this past weekend at the TTC. The response from the public was amazing. People lined up for 2 hours to get an autograph and to meet the man. Bernie was very gracious and took time to speak with everyone.
Throughout the weekend Bernie could not walk far without meeting a fan. People brought their scrapbooks and photo albums to show Bernie and to get them signed. I am sure that everyone that met Bernie this weekend now has a story to tell.
Bernie wanted his visit to benefit the US TdN team so all proceeds from the book signing, t-shirt and poster sales went to support Team USA. The generosity of the people was amazing. I can say that it was the biggest weekend fund raiser in US TdN history.
I also want to thank everyone that helped arrange a proper welcome and made Bernie’s visit a success. Dan Brown and his amazing TTC staff, Brad Baumert, Pete Croft, Vonda Roper, Jim Watson and everyone that worked the TdN booth.
Below is a link to a great story by Jake Miller on the FIM-Live website:
King Bernie is back in town
By Ashley Jackson, on May 30th, 2013 Man, what a wonderful weekend for a World Championship. The weather was gorgeous, the people fabulous, and the riders AMAZING!

But don’t worry if you missed out: you can get a Spectator Guide sent straight to your home.
The Spectator Guide is a 36-page full color booklet that includes rider bios, history of the World Championship, the loop map, and much much more. So don’t waste time, get yours today!
$6 per guide which includes tax and shipping.

By admin, on May 29th, 2013 Some links to media coverage of the event thus far:
By admin, on May 27th, 2013 Results of the Trial World Championship, USGP held at the TTC this weekend:
Pro, Saturday:
1. Adam Raga (GG) 9; 2. Toni Bou (Mon) 17; 3. Jeroni Fajardo (Bet) 19; 4. Albert Cabestany (Shr) 24; 5. Takahisa Fujinami (Mon) 37; 6. James Dabill (Bet) 40; 7. Loris Gubian (GG) 57; 8. Matteo Grattarolla (GG) 62; 9. Alexandre Ferrer (Shr) 63; 10. Benoit Dagnicourt (Bet) 70.
Pro, Sunday:
1. Adam Raga (GG) 24; 2. Toni Bou (Mon) 24; 3. Takahisa Fujinami (Mon) 38; 4. Jeroni Fajardo (Bet) 40; 5. Albert Cabestany (Shr) 55; 6. James Dabill (Bet) 61; 7. Alexandre Ferrer (Shr) 83; 8. Loris Gubian (GG) 90; 9. Matteo Grattarolla (GG) 104; 10. Jack Challoner (Bet) 110.
Complete results from the FIM’s Trialonline.org site:
Day 1:
Day 2:
By Trials USGP, on May 20th, 2013
By Ashley Jackson, on May 20th, 2013 Don’t worry folks, if you haven’t purchased tickets online,
you can purchase them at the gate!
* If you purchased tickets online and have not received them by Wednesday, please contact us so we can get you on the Will Call List*
By Ashley Jackson, on May 20th, 2013 
We’ve made some changes and additions to the Schedule of Events for the 2013 US World Trials Championship (PDF).
Some notable changes:
- The Rider Test session will be held on both Thursday and Friday
- “A Conversation with Bernie Schreiber” interview session is schedule for 5 pm on Saturday
By Ashley Jackson, on May 20th, 2013 As of early this morning, we’ve stopped online ticket sales for all events, including spectating/parking/camping, the Adventure and Sightseeing packages, and the USGP Trials School.
You’ll be able to purchase tickets for everything at the gate this week.
If you have a question about availability of any of the above, Contact Us. See you in a few days!
By Ashley Jackson, on May 20th, 2013 USGP 2013 Sponsors
Special thanks to our two-dozen+ sponsors, now listed and linked on our Sponsors page.
By Ashley Jackson, on May 9th, 2013 The TTC’s Dan Brown attended a World Trial Championship meeting in Austin, Texas last month, site of the 2013 US Moto GP. Among the good ol’ boys he hung out with: NATC president and Sherco USA‘s Brad Baumert, US FIM representative Martin Belair, and FIM’s Ignacio Verneda.
By Ashley Jackson, on May 8th, 2013
By Ashley Jackson, on May 8th, 2013 
We are pleased about this:
Dear All,
It’s a pleasure to announce my attendance at the upcoming Wagner Cup Trial in TN.
Thank you so much for inviting me to come and organizing accommodations. It is heart-warming to know that you all still honor my results, although we have not seen each other for such a long time or never had the chance to meet. I value those Trials moments we have shared and I look forward to a memorable weekend together.
With best regards,
Bernie Schreiber
See Bernie’s AMA Motorcycle Hall of Fame page and his NATC Hall of Fame page.
By Ashley Jackson, on May 7th, 2013 To those of you who have pre-purchased your tickets for the World Championship:
Your tickets and passes will be mailed by the end of the week!
Keep an eye on your mailbox folks, you should receive your passes in 10-12 Days
I just want to know….who’s as excited as we are? =)
By Ashley Jackson, on May 6th, 2013 Hey out there,
We just wanted to give you a heads up about one of our Sponsors/Vendors at the World Competition. Not only will these guys have a booth at the event, but they are also donating 100 sample tins for the Rider Gift Bags!
If you are worried about the bugs in TN, now you don’t have to be scared, this product will help ward off chiggers, ticks, mosquito’s and more. Just rub in their designated spots, and head off in the woods for a fun filled day of World Competitors!
Chig-R-Block – These guys sell some amazing bug repellent All natural, and works wonders! Be prepared for the great outdoors, chiggers are the worst, and this stuff will help block em out. You can use it as repellent, or as treatment for bug bites and poison ivy, oak, ect. Make sure you stop by their booth and get your block on! Check out their website at chiggerblock.com
By Ashley Jackson, on May 6th, 2013 We are happy to announce that we will be having a LIVE CONCERT,
sponsored by American Beta
WHO: “The Collins Brothers Band” a local favorite, will be on the TTC Stage
WHEN: Saturday May 25th following the FIM World TRIAL Competition.
WHERE: The Trial Training Center Stage
Check them out on their website at thecollinsbrothersband.com

By Ashley Jackson, on April 29th, 2013  
The USGP of the Trials World Championship (The Wagner Cup) is less than a month two weeks away.
- Spectators who purchase online parking passes with their admission tickets will get priority vehicle parking in the first parking field, bypassing much of the car line.
- Spectators with street bikes who purchase online parking passes with their admission tickets will get up-front priority street bike parking in the grassy field right next to the paddock, bypassing the car parking line completely.
More links to what can be purchased online:
Got questions? Contact us!
By Ashley Jackson, on April 26th, 2013 Below is a list of the riders already signed up to compete in the USGP, 55 Riders confirmed from 12 different countries. Man, what an event this will be!
Pro Class |
Junior Class |
125cc Class |
Guest Class |
Toni Bou, Spain |
Francesc Moret, Spain |
Bradley Cox, Great Britain |
Drew Fortner, USA |
Adam Raga, Spain |
Pol Tarres, Spain |
Gabriele Giarba, Spain |
Raymond Peter, USA |
Jeroni Fejardo, Spain |
Jorge Casales, Spain |
Quentin Carles De Caudenberg, France |
Drew Harker, USA |
Albert Cabestany, Spain |
Jacke Shepard, Great Britain |
Pietro Petrangeli, Italy |
Andreas Niederer, USA |
Takahisa Fujinami, Japan |
Maxime Warenghien, Belgium |
Timo Myohanen, Finland |
Alan Shirley, USA |
James Dabil, Great Britain |
Cedric Tempier, France |
Martin Matejicek, Czech. Republic |
Tom McNeal, USA |
Jack Challoner, Great Britain |
Hakon Pedersen, Norway |
Declan Bullock, Great Britain |
Quinn Wentzel, USA |
Daniel Oliveras, Spain |
Carles Traviesa, Spain |
Ignacio Martin, Spain |
Alexander Niederer, USA |
Michael Brown, Great Britain |
Kyle Middleton, Australia |
Ignacio Fernandez, Spain |
Matteo Grattarola, Italy |
Steven Coquelin, France |
Daniel Blonc Gonnet, USA |
Loris Gubian, France |
Jonathan Richardson, Great Britain |
Kenny Thomas, France |
Pere Borrellas, Spain |
Sverre Lundevold, Norway |
Aaron Thistle, USA |
Alexandre Ferrer, France |
Filippo Locca, Italy |
Marke Wunsch, Czech Republic |
Benoit Dagnicourt, Spain |
Martin Pochez, France |
Samuel Fastle, USA |
Patrick Smage, USA |
Bryan Roper, USA |
Karl Davis, USA |
Logan Bolopue, USA |
Cody Webb, USA |
By Ashley Jackson, on April 23rd, 2013 Hey Everybody,
Just a reminder that there are still available slots in the Trials School with Jordi Pascuet, and Eric Storz!
Date: May 27-28, 2013 Time: 9am-4pm Central
Cost: $150.00 per day Place: Trials Training Center
We also have a few Primitive RV Sites left, and Tent Spaces too. Don’t wait until the last minute, you want to be where the excitement is so get your on site camping now!
See you all in May!