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Big Thank You!

Thanks to all of you who came out to work yesterday! We had a great turn out of 16 people yesterday which we thought was fabulous.
So thanks to:
Tim Cash
James Thompson
Andy Sowell
Brian Sloggy
Griff Shirley
Matt Stancil
Alan Shirley
Dennis Simoes
Greg Clark
Steve Glinski
Jamie Gourley
Vaughn Cady
Garry Garrison
Jim Dale
Sonny Roberts
Frank Schoenbeck
Austin Brown,
and of course the TTC Crew
Charlie Roberts.

See the large photo slideshow (recommended) or SLOW CLICK this small slideshow:

WE at the TTC appreciate all of your hard work to help create some sections for the World Round. It was a very productive day, and we couldn’t be happier with the turn out. So thanks again to all of you.

Next World Round work day will be announced soon.

Kindest Regards,
Ashley Jackson

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