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How to check this year’s WTC

Hey everyone,

We have received the new instructional video demonstrating the No-Stop techniques used for  the 2013  World Trial Competition.  This video shows how the new “no – stop” riding will be done, the rules for observing appear to be very straightforward.   It will be interesting to see how this riding style works out, as this appears to be the trend for future competition.

We encourage you all to watch this video, and become familiar with the scoring.   We still have opportunities for observers and other volunteers this year, so please contact Gary Hoover at hooverg@bellsouth.net  to get in the action!

Workers who work at least one day of competition will receive their weekend pass, two nights of tent camping, and lunch on the day they work.   We have also gotten some great donations for a WORKER RAFFLE!!  We look forward to this event and all of your participation.

This will be a great event and we can’t wait to see you all here!

Kindest Regards,

Ashley Jackson

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