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World Trials Championship, USGP results

Results of the Trial World Championship, USGP held at the TTC this weekend:

Pro, Saturday:

1. Adam Raga (GG) 9; 2. Toni Bou (Mon) 17; 3. Jeroni Fajardo (Bet) 19; 4. Albert Cabestany (Shr) 24; 5. Takahisa Fujinami (Mon) 37; 6. James Dabill (Bet) 40; 7. Loris Gubian (GG) 57; 8. Matteo Grattarolla (GG) 62; 9. Alexandre Ferrer (Shr) 63; 10. Benoit Dagnicourt (Bet) 70.

Pro, Sunday:

1. Adam Raga (GG) 24; 2. Toni Bou (Mon) 24; 3. Takahisa Fujinami (Mon) 38; 4. Jeroni Fajardo (Bet) 40; 5. Albert Cabestany (Shr) 55; 6. James Dabill (Bet) 61; 7. Alexandre Ferrer (Shr) 83; 8. Loris Gubian (GG) 90; 9. Matteo Grattarolla (GG) 104; 10. Jack Challoner (Bet) 110.

Complete results from the FIM’s Trialonline.org site:

Day 1:

Day 2:

May issue of AMA’s American Motorcyclist features US Pros Karl Davis and Bryan Roper who are competing in the Wagner Cup this weekend

AMA_May2013_cover_300 AMA_May2013-trials-article

The May 2013 issue of the AMA’s American Motorcyclist magazine features US Mototrials Pros Karl Davis and Bryan Roper. (The full 3-page article is posted to the NATC’s Mototrials.com website here.)

Karl and Bryan will be competing in the Junior Class, along with another US pro, Logan Bolopue. US #1 Champ Patrick Smage will be competing in the Pro Class. US #2 Cody Webb will compete in the International Class.

See all the confirmed competitors here.

More spectator photos

Dan Seacat from Southport, Indiana sent these photos. Click to enlarge.

best-trials-2008-21 best-trials-2008-10 best-trials-2008-14 best-trials-2008-18 best-trials-2008-20



Bou and Fujinami in Section 9, Loop 1 on Sunday: You make the call!

Section captain (left photo) from Indiana, Bill ??,  had a couple of tough calls to make on World Champions Toni Bou and Takahisa Fujinami on Sunday at “House Rock.” (Bou and Fuji were the only riders to even attempt this section the first loop.)

Bill from IndianaBou markerfuji-rock-sshot

  • Bou had taken one point till he was given a five for his rear wheel going outside the marker near the exit (center screenshot). Watch the video carefully at the 1:20 mark.
  • Fujinami ran out of time. Did he five it anyway before time ran out? Watch the video carefully at the 2:25 mark. And watch how Fuji gets over the large, angled pointy rock (right screenshot) prior to the final obstacle at the 2:15 mark.

Attach a comment with your opinion.

Click play to watch.  3 minutes.

A minder’s worst nightmare

Cody Webb and Neal Storz
U.S. 2007 National #2 rider Cody Webb reflects on the comments of a startled minder, Neal Storz. (Click to enlarge.)

Friendly competitors

In motorcycle trials, one often sees fierce competitors hamming it up with each other in the middle of an event.

Cody Webb and Will Ibsen Andew Oldar and Eric Storz

Left: U.S. Pro competitors Cody Webb (Nat’l #2) and Will Ibsen (Nat’l #4) in Section 11, Lampkin Falls.
Right: Youth Class competitors Andew Oldar and Eric Storz in Section 9, House Rock.

Women’s World Champ Laia Sanz has an even bigger fan

Laia Sanz Catherine Bedley

TTC’s Catherine Bedley displays the Montesa Trial Team kerchief that Women’s World Champ Laia Sanz autographed and gave to her this weekend. Laia is the only woman competing in the World Junior Championship class.

The family Storz

Eric Storz Eric Storz Neal Storz Eric Storz and Steve Storz

Eric Storz competed in the Youth class this weekend, assisted by his able minder and older brother, Neal Storz. Their dad, Steve Storz (Storz Performance, Inc.) was in demand whenever an Italian translator was needed.

Alex Bedley and Charlie Roberts, Team TTC

Alex Bedley Alex BedleyCharlie Roberts and Alex Bedley Charlie Roberts and Alex Bedley

2007 U.S. High School Trials Champion Alex Bedley rode the Youth class this weekend, assisted by his able minder, Charlie Roberts. Both Alex and Charlie work here at the Trials Training Center (TTC). 

Winner of the 2008 Wagner Cup: Takahisa Fujinami

I blogged about the origins of the Wagner Cup yesterday but failed to mention that the winner is determined by the lowest score over the combined two days of competition.

Takahisa Fujinami and The Wagner Cup Takahisa Fujinami and The Wagner CupThe Wagner Cup
NATC head honcho Brian Behling presents Takahisa ‘Fujigas’ Fujinami with the 2008 Wagner Cup. He edged his Repsol Montesa HRC teammate Toni Bou by two points, 47 to 49.

Sunday podium: 1st place to Toni Bou (Champ), Loris Gubian (Junior), Jack Challoner (Youth)

Championship podium  Championship podium Junior podiumYouth podium

Championship Class
1. Toni Bou – 33
2. Takahisa Fujinami – 38
3. Adam Raga – 54

Junior Class
1. Loris Gubian – 56
2. Alexz Wigg – 59
3. Sam Haslam – 67

Youth Class
1. Jack Challoner – 19
2. Adrian Pastoriza – 24
3. Patrick Smage – 26

Day 2 complete results at Trials Central.

10 PM update: The FIM has complete results for both days posted, too.

Photo Album: Fujinami, Cabestany, Bou in Section 12, Loop 2

I parked myself at Section 12 at the end of the day and got a few good shots of Fujigas, Albert Cabestany, and Toni Bou. See the album of 10 photos or this slideshow.

Day 2 results posted at Trials Central

Andy Greig trialscentral-logo

Once again, Andy Greig at Trials Central has the Day 2 results for all classes posted.

U.S. Trials des Nations team

IMG_3741I caught these members of the U.S. Men’s and Women’s 2007 Trials des Nations team hanging out after the event yesterday.

L to R: Pat Smage, Cody Webb, Louise Forsley, and Sara Duke.

Video: Day 1, Loop 1, Section 4: Cabestany, Raga, Bou, Fujinami

The big ledge out of the creek in Section four took a huge number of points from the Championship class riders yesterday. Here’s a 4-minute video clip of loop 1 rides by Cabestany (2 points), Raga (5), Bou (1), and Fujinami (1). Fuji nearly runs over his minder on the ledge… and nearly loses it on the big rock at the exit.


8 am update: I’ve got a glitch with this video clip. Will fix ASAP!

10:15 am update: I’ve fixed the video but now we’ve got a slow internet connection and I can’t get it uploaded. Will fix when I get back mid-afternoon. Apologies!

2:35 pm update: The upload finally went through and the video should now be viewable. Thanks for your patience!

My favorite rider photos

I didn’t take many action shots today but of those I did, here are my favorite four:

Takahisa Fuginami Dougie Lampkin Dougie Lampkin Marc Freixa

Left: Takahisa Fuginami
Center two: Dougie Lampkin
Right: Marc Freixa

Photo album: Day 1 podium

Here are a couple dozen photos from today’s podium ceremony. Included are photos I used in the previous blog posts on the winners. See the album or this slideshow:

Takahisa Fujinami, Japan, 1st Place, World

Results for Day 1 in the Championship class:

1. Takahisa Fujinami – 12
2. Toni Bou – 16
3. Albert Cabestany – 28

Champ class podiumTakahisa Fujinami Champ class podium Takahisa Fujinami

The rest of the Championship results:

4. Adam Raga – 30
5. Marc Freixa – 37
6. Jeroni Fajardo – 38
7. Dougie Lampkin – 45
8. James Dabill – 73
9. Daniel Oliveras – 95
10. Michael Brown – 111

Loris Gubian, France, 1st place, Junior

Results for Day 1 in the Junior Championship:

1. Loris Gubian – 35
2. Ross Danby – 45
3. Matteo Grattatola – 46

Junior Championship podium Junior Championship podium Loris Gubian

The rest of the Juniors:

4. Sam Haslam – 49
5. Alexz Wigg – 49
6. Alfredo Gomez – 52
7. Guillaume Laniel – 62
8. David Millan – 63
9. Cody Webb – 67
10. Fredrik johansson – 71
11. Will Ibsen – 74
12. Laia Sanz – 90
13. Ewoud Lalkens – 132

Patrick Smage, USA, 1st place, Youth

Results for Day 1 in the Youth Championship:

1. Patrick Smage – 6 (25 cleans)
2. Jack Challoner – 6 (24 cleans)
3. Alexandre Ferrer – 17

Youth podiumPatrick Smage Patrick Smage Craig GernhardtPatrick Smage and relatives

Pat Smage (Sherco USA/Ryan Young Products) took home a win in his first World event on home soil. He made the USA crowd happy, and apparently, some of his relatives, too.

The rest of the Youth:

4. Pau Botella – 20
5. Benoit Dagnicourt – 22
6. Francesc Moret – 24
7. Adrian Pastoriza – 25
8. Jonathon Richardson – 33
9. Pere Borrellas – 38
10. Jake Whitaker – 54
11. Ron Commo – 79
12. Josiah Mizell – 106
13. Andrew Oldar – 108
14. Alexander Bedley – 114
15. Eric Storz – 129